32 | The 3 Cs of Selling High Ticket

Show notes

Welcome to a new episode on the QUEEN OF HEARTS Podcast!

In this episode we talk about the 3 Cs of selling High Ticket:

(perceived) Confidence, (perceived) Competence and (perceived) Credibility. I put “perceived” in Brackets, because these Factors are highly subjective. You can be the most competent Graphic Designer, but if your Aesthetics don't match mine, I will not credit you as competent for the particular Job / Project.

We dive deep into what each factor means and what action steps you should take today to make sure you align the Trinity of those 3 Factors AND are visible for your Matching Clients - lean back, grab your journal and enjoy!

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Want to become a Queen of Hearts and learn how to hold high ticket clients? Claim my queen of hearts masterclass for free here! https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63c79aa6b4f015f30446ce74


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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yasmin.breden/?hl=de Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yasmin.breden Website: https://yasminbreden.com/

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