5 | Thriving while Surviving: How to lead yourself through emotional hardship (with Linna Füzesi)

Show notes

Welcome to a new episode on the QUEEN OF HEARTS Podcast!

I am beyond excited to share this first interview in the Queen of Hearts Podcast with you - with Linna Füzesi! Linna is a mind- and relationship coach who helps women build as heart-led queens and live soul-matching relationships.

Today we talk about emotional hardship and how you can lead yourself in times life seems to knock you down. This episode is filled with so much emotional wisdom - I am so honored to have Linna on the Podcast and you listening to us.


Let's connect on Socials!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yasmin.breden/?hl=de Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yasmin.breden Website: https://yasminbreden.com/

Connect with Linna:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/linna.fuzesi/?hl=de Website: https://www.linnafuzesi.com/

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